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The Return of Anastasia - Dr Leonid Sharashkin. Ringing Cedars Press

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Постер The Return of Anastasia - Dr Leonid Sharashkin. Ringing Cedars Press
Anastasia (Greek: "resurrection") was at the core of our ancestors' understanding of Life. They knew there is no death, and saw in the universal cycle of birth, growth, maturity, death and re-birth a reflection of the Divine Thought. Their joyous culture was banned from our consciousness until now.

But Anastasia is returning, restoring to the Earth its former splendour, and bringing in her footsteps the blossoming of the Spring.

Presented by Leonid Sharashkin, Editor of Anastasia at the NEXUS Conference, Australia, October 2008. Running time 1 hr 28 min.

Скачан41 раз
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Размер205.27 MB
Добавлен2011-04-14 13:47:26

Список комментариев
:: Не в сети Aha1 :: Ученик I
2011-04-14 15:19:40
user Aha1 avatar А по русски ???

:: Не в сети Valguskera :: Благотворитель VIII
2011-04-14 17:26:12
user Valguskera avatar
Aha1 писал
А по русски ???

Это английский язык, русский язык, у меня нет :huh:

:: Не в сети Valguskera :: Благотворитель VIII
2011-04-14 17:37:42
user Valguskera avatar может быть ищет субтитры на русском языке ? :unsure:

:: Не в сети Aha1 :: Ученик I
2011-04-15 21:50:38
user Aha1 avatar Перевод есть ?
Anastasia (Greek: "resurrection") was at the core of our ancestors' understanding of Life. They knew there is no death, and saw in the universal cycle of birth, growth, maturity, death and re-birth a reflection of the Divine Thought. Their joyous culture was banned from our consciousness until now.
But Anastasia is returning, restoring to the Earth its former splendour, and bringing in her footsteps the blossoming of the Spring.
Presented by Leonid Sharashkin, Editor of Anastasia at the NEXUS Conference, Australia, October 2008. Running time 1 hr 28 min.

:: Не в сети inkolfin :: Ученик I
2011-04-19 21:49:55
user inkolfin avatar дайте перевод?!и вообще что это за штука?

:: Не в сети Valguskera :: Благотворитель VIII
2011-04-20 12:18:59
user Valguskera avatar Recommend you also check out: http://truetorrents.ru/details.php?id=2106&me=7214
Ringing Cedars Video Lecture Series 1-4 with Dr Leonid
1 - Reconnecting to Nature through Spiritual Permaculture
2 - Ancient Roots, Modern Shoots
3 - Creating Your Space of Love
4 - The Return of Anastasia
Poselenie Slavnoe (Поселение Славное ) 2008
Ancestral homes in Russia ( Родовые поместья России )2009 (torrent 4,27GB)

:: Не в сети Valguskera :: Благотворитель VIII
2011-04-20 12:30:10
user Valguskera avatar
inkolfin писал
дайте перевод?!и вообще что это за штука?

I apologize, but I do not speak Russian. DVD spoke Anastasia, and his ancient knowledge.
Я прошу прощения, но я не владеющих русским языком. DVD говорит Анастасия, и древние знания.

Дополнительные тэги: Биороботы, Бондарчук, Вавилон, Ведагор, Вера, Воронин, Генетическа, Гитлер, Гомосексуализм, Грипп, Дарвин, Доклад, Дугин, Емелин, Жарников, Зайцев, Зиновьев, Зюганов, Илюхин, Ирак, Иудаизм
